
Writing NSW can send an email advertisement to more than 3,700+ subscribers promoting your service or event. We have one email per week available for booking on a Wednesday. These advertisements can often book up weeks in advance, so we recommend contacting us early to avoid disappointment.

Sample Ads

Cost and Requirements

  • The cost of email ads is $650 (inc GST). Payment is required in order to make your booking.
  • Text and images are required at least ten days in advance of the scheduled broadcast date. Late submission of materials will be regarded as a cancellation of your advertisement. Please see our cancellation policy below.
  • Please note you will need to approve the formatting of your e-ad via email on the day before your ad is scheduled for broadcast at the very latest.
  • There is a limit of 1,500 words for email broadcasts and a maximum of five images. You must provide your text as a word document with your images as separate jpg files.
  • Writing NSW will only send one advertisement per individual/organisation per month.

Cancellation Policy

Your booking is non-refundable. If you need to withdraw your booking, you must inform Writing NSW at least 14 days prior to broadcast to receive a full credit. Withdrawals made seven to thirteen days prior to broadcast date will be eligible for a 50% credit. Any withdrawals made after this point will not be eligible for credit.

Contact us to book your advertisement


Writing NSW’s weekly enewsletter, Newsbite, is distributed to over 11,000 subscribers. Newsbite publishes commissioned articles, upcoming events, opportunities for writers and promotional giveaways. All free promotion is at the discretion of Writing NSW and no guarantee is given that the promotion will be placed. We don’t advertise workshops, courses, book launches, or any notices from for-profit organisations. We also do not promote competitions with fees but no prize money or unbalanced ‘opportunities’ for writers.

Opportunities for Writers

Writing NSW lists opportunities for writers (such as competitions and fellowships) at our discretion. All opportunities are to have a maximum of 200 characters not including links, which we can hyperlink.

Due to the high level of demand and restricted time-frame, use our contact form to submit your opportunities in the format they will appear in Newsbite. See the example below:

26 August: KSP Emerging Writers’ Residencies

Three positions for four weeks or part-time equivalent for talented writers able to show application to the craft of writing. Selected writers will have some published material in the print, visual or broadcast media. Salary $2250. Visit

Writing Events

At Writing NSW’s discretion, we will consider publishing event notices on our Writing on our Calendar monthly blog feature. To be considered for inclusion, use our contact form to send us a maximum 100-word event description and relevant event link.

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