Did you miss out on attending the Kids & YA Festival? Check out our recordings of sessions Writing with Passion and Building Career Longevity!
Access our first online Talking Writing event, via podcast, video or transcript. The event featured Tracy Sorensen, Peter Polites, Robin M Eames and Eunice Andrada, as they discuss writing the body.
The podcast for our Talking Writing: Africa event is live! Listen to the fascinating discussion about Africa and it’s relationship and influence on writers across the diaspora as a place and culture.
Listen to some of the exciting panels, performances and readings that we recorded at 2019 Boundless Festival.
Listen to the podcast of our 2019 Honouring Australian Writers event on Sumner Locke Elliott.
In June we explored the surreal worlds of science fiction, fantasy and horror at Writing NSW’s Speculative Fiction Festival.
“Traditional language being passed from one generation to another is vital.” — Jacinta Tobin
“Once we tell the truth about things, we get to move on and write a new history for ourselves and that felt to me what the truth of this piece is.” – Sarah Lambert on Lambs of God