
Cultivate Mentorship Program for Emerging Writers from Diverse Backgrounds

As part of the 2024 Cultivate program, up to five emerging writers from Indigenous or culturally diverse backgrounds will be given the opportunity to work on a short piece of fiction or non-fiction (2000-5000 words) under the guidance of award-winning author Eugen Bacon and with support from Writing NSW. The aim of the program is to ready the works to be submitted to journals or other platforms for publication.

The program is open to emerging writers from Indigenous or culturally diverse backgrounds who have some record of publication but have not yet published a book-length work. Applicants must be NSW residents and over the age of 18.

Successful applicants will receive:

  • Mentoring from Eugen Bacon between September and December 2024, including the opportunity to receive feedback on two drafts of the work and advice on where to submit it for publication
  • Membership and development opportunities from Writing NSW, including a free short course of their choosing (subject to availability)

Please read the Terms & Conditions before applying.

Applications are now closed  for 2024.

Eugen Bacon is an African Australian author. She’s a British Fantasy and Foreword Indies Award winner, a twice World Fantasy Award finalist, and a finalist in other awards, including the Shirley Jackson, Philip K. Dick and Victorian Premier’s Literary Award, as well as the Nommo Awards for speculative fiction by Africans. Eugen was announced in the honor list of the Otherwise Fellowships for ‘doing exciting work in gender and speculative fiction’. Danged Black Thing made the Otherwise Award Honor List as a ‘sharp collection of Afro-Surrealist work’.

Read about the 2023 winners and the 2022 winners.


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