Member and Community Code of Conduct

Membership of Writing NSW is at the discretion of the Board or, by delegation, the staff of the Centre. All members are required to endorse the organisation’s purpose: to support writers and foster writing culture in NSW.

In addition, members and users of Writing NSW services are required to comply with the following terms and conditions. Membership and use of Writing NSW services is conditional on an individual:

  • Demonstrating respect and courtesy to staff, Board members, and contracted service providers of the organisation, such as tutors
  • Complying with any reasonable instructions given by staff, Board members, or contracted service providers
  • Demonstrating respect and courtesy to other members of the organisation and other users of its facilities and services
  • Ensuring their actions and statements are not discriminatory or harmful to others and do not undermine the Writing NSW commitment to fostering an inclusive and safe community for writers
  • Ensuring their actions do not cause disruption to the organisation’s programs or other users of its facilities and services
  • Ensuring their actions do not put at risk the safety of staff, contracted service providers or other users of facilities and services
  • Ensuring their actions do not cause damage to the organisation’s premises or their contents
  • Ensuring their actions do not harm the operations or reputation of the organisation
  • Only participating in those events or activities for which they are registered in accordance with the organisation’s rules and procedures and for which any applicable fees have been paid
  • Paying membership fees and any other amounts owing to the organisation by the designated due date

In accordance with the constitution of the organisation, failure to comply with any of the conditions in this code of conduct may be grounds for expulsion or suspension of membership.

Where a member or other user of Writing NSW services fails to comply with any of the conditions in this code of conduct, management may at its sole discretion refuse future access to such services.


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