Mawunyo Gbogbo
Mawunyo Gbogbo is the author of Hip Hop & Hymns, a coming-of-age story about the hilarious and heartbreaking consequences of having certain rappers as role models. Published by Penguin Random House, Hip Hop & Hymns is described by Books+Publishing as ‘a beautiful and heart-wrenching memoir’ and in naming it their non-fiction pick of the week, The Sydney Morning Herald said ‘This tough, coming-through tale has real impact.’ Mawunyo is currently working on her second book and debut novel It Takes One to Know One about a psychiatrist who is crazier than his patients, which is his superpower, until it isn’t. Mawunyo has worked in the media industry for more than 20 years and is the dedicated popular culture journalist for ABC News Digital. She was a finalist in the Music Journalist Award category at the 2024 Australian Women in Music Awards.