Patti Miller
Patti Miller is the author of ten books, including Australia’s best-selling life writing texts, Writing Your Life, The Memoir Book and Writing True Stories (A&U) as well as a novel Child (A&U) and six memoir/narrative non-fiction books, The Last One Who Remembers (A&U) Whatever The Gods Do (Random House), the critically acclaimed The Mind of a Thief, (UQP) long and short-listed for a number of prizes, winner of the 2013 NSW Premier’s Prize for History, Ransacking Paris (UQP) The Joy of High Places (NewSouth) and, her latest, True Friends (UQP). She writes personal essays and articles and is published regularly in national newspapers, magazines and literary and art journals including The Guardian, SMH and The Australian. She has been teaching life writing around Australia since 1991, and gives writing courses in Paris and London each year. http://lifestories.com.au/