‘It gave form to an ache I felt. I grew up in the suburbs and my prospects were safe there: they housed my family and all of my friends. But I was desperate to spend my days in, and on, and near to, the ocean.’
‘”Refugee Memories” helped me understand my mum’s frustrating politics. She is a single mother, a Vietnamese refugee with little English literacy, and was on Centrelink after her pirated video rental business collapsed in 2015. She shares videos of Donald Trump’s speeches on Facebook.’
‘I believe a story should stand on its own, regardless of an author’s reputation, motivation or any explanation of intent.’
‘What always attracts me to Park’s books is her flair for storytelling. The drama! The pathos! The cacophony of life that surrounds the Darcy family in The Harp in the South and Poor Man’s Orange.’
‘These are poems about terrible suffering but they are also strangely beautiful. I was impressed by the brilliant technical control and moved by the content.’
‘Caryl Churchill is one writer who never fails me. Everything she’s produced — from her earliest plays to the present day — is not only a bold adventure into the unknown, it extends the possibilities of what theatre can do.’