Writing Group Application Writing Group Application Navigate this section Writing Group Application If you are human, leave this field blank.Full Name *Email *Are you a Writing NSW member? *YesNoSelect the writing group(s) you want to joinQueer Writers GroupWomen Writers' NetworkWritestuffYoungstreet PoetsA Write of PassageSydney Non-fiction Writing GroupHistory Never RepeatsSydney fiction Writing GroupOnly currently open groups are listed here. You can select at most 3 groups. Alternatively, if you attended the Writing Group Information Day please fill in question below.. I attended the Writing group Information Day and want to be notified when groups related to the below become available to join.Tell us about your writing goals *Are you working on any literary projects? If you are, tell us more about it. *What do you hope to achieve from joining the writing group? *Accessibility requirementsreCAPTCHA is required.Submit