Listen to Kirsten speak about her experience as an author and editor and the new ways writers have been working and promoting their books while in isolation
Watch a conversation between Joel Naoum and David Henley about the changing nature of booksales and more
‘What successful authors have in common is that they’ve found their community and catered to it… Really try to nail the core demographic of your genre.’
‘[Making a bestseller] is the mysterious combination of all those factors: the right time, the right place, a compelling story and the role of the publisher in making the most of opportunities.’
‘Where I grew up, nobody I knew was into this world [of literature], it was all quite alien….The job at Echo Publishing came along at the perfect time.’
‘Events help bring people back to books – and if not, at least they will still have had a fun night!’
‘Reading is endemic – we all love stories, and that survives.’
‘Every person in the production process is very important. Author, reader and everyone in between – it doesn’t work without them!’
At our First Friday Club in July, Communications and Project Officer, Aurora Scott, chatted with Catherine Milne, Head of Fiction at HarperCollins.