The Annual General Meeting of the NSW Writers’ Centre Inc. (trading as Writing NSW) will be held online, via Zoom conference, on Tuesday 18 June 2024.
Bardi writer Kalem Murray wins the 2024 Boundless Mentorship for his manuscript Regression and will be mentored by Mykaela Saunders.
‘I wish I had this opportunity when I was starting out as a writer, someone who looked and really saw, who considered my work seriously.’
This year’s Boundless Festival will consist of five in-person events between September and December, in partnership with Western Sydney venues.
Congratulations to the successful applicants to our 2023 mentoring program for emerging literary curators from culturally diverse backgrounds: Alejandra Martinez, Greg Page and Simone Amelia Jordan, as well as returning curators Tina Huang and Zohra Aly.
The Annual General Meeting of the NSW Writers’ Centre Inc. (trading as Writing NSW) will be held online, via Zoom conference, on Monday 19 June 2023.
Edoardo Crismani has been awarded the 2023 Boundless Indigenous Writer’s Mentorship for Finding Billy Brown, a fast-paced story about an AFL player who is hit by a car, only to wake up in the 1930s, where he meets his boxer great-grandfather.