Creative Manoeuvres 2018

Mark O’Flynn

Saturday 24 February, 10am-4pm

Learn techniques for generating creativity and leave with inspiration for a productive year of writing ahead. Join novelist, memoirist and poet Mark O’Flynn for this one-day workshop aimed at developing your creative manoeuvres. We’ll be writing, but also playing. Exercises and group discussion will stimulate different aspects of the creative process, bring some clarity to issues of form, and cut through some of the confusion about what is actually being written.

A variety of exercises will serve as springboards to launch the creative impulse. This course will also offer practical tips and insights into how different creative forms attract their own material and language, or rather how particular ideas generate their own form.

Expected Learning Outcomes

1. To be able to self-generate creative impetus
2. To be able to identify links between form and idea
3.  To focus an idea and streamline it to the requirements of specific forms

Participant Requirements

Pen and paper

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