Past Courses
Looking for upcoming courses?
Approaching Publishers
SOLD OUT – Please email us to add your name to the waiting list. A seminar with Rochelle Manners. What are the best ways to approach a publisher? Are the rules different? What is always the same? What are the advantages of pitches, networking, and competitions? This seminar will be held during the lunch hour […]
2014 Powering Your Blog
Who: Karen Andrews When: Saturday 5 July 2014, 10am-4pm Cost: Full price: $180; Member: $125; Conc Member: $110 Do you want to take your blog to a new level? This course will help you plan your content, make the most of social media, and understand the importance of networking and building community. Learn the key […]
2014 The Poetry of Nature
Who: Peter Skrzynecki When: Saturday 12 July 2014, 10am-4pm Cost: Full price: $180; Member: $125; Conc Member: $110 Every civilisation has its literature in which Nature figures – myths, legends, folklore, memoirs, fiction, poetry. Nature inspires us, provides solace and gives sanctuary, touches us like nothing or no one else. It can be the five […]
2014 Bringing Characters to Life
Who: Jaclyn Moriarty (please note tutor change from printed program) When: Saturday 12 July 2014, 10am-4pm Cost: Full price: $180; Member: $125; Conc Member: $110 Living, breathing characters are the key to successful fiction. The best plots emerge from characters’ actions and decisions, and without compelling, believable characters it can be hard to make readers […]
2014 The Business of Being a Writer
Who: David Henley, Jaki Arthur, Sophie Hamley and guests When: Saturday 19 July 2014, 10am-5pm (Please note end time of 5pm – appears incorrectly in the printed program as 4pm) Cost: Full Price: $180; Member: $125; Conc Member: $110 It seems like every day there is a new aspect to being a writer apart from […]
2014 Writing for the Screen
Who: George Merryman When: 6 x Tuesday evenings: 22, 29 July; 5, 12, 19, 26 August 2014, 6:30pm-9:30pm Cost: Full Price: $600; Member: $420; Conc Member: $360 This six-week course will guide participants through the process of writing for film and television, from initial concept to final draft. With an emphasis on character, story and […]
2014 Story Planning and Design
Limited Places Remaining, contact (02 9555 9757) to book. Who: Greg Bastian When: Saturday 26 July 2014, 10am-4pm Cost: Full price: $180; Member: $125; Conc Member: $110 Hit a brick wall with your novel or short story? Are your characters adrift, your plot rudderless, your dialogue unconvincing? Chances are the story wasn’t planned sufficiently well […]
2014 Book Publicity: Art Not Science Seminar
Who: Debbie McInnes When: Tuesday 29 July 2014, 6:30pm-9:30pm Cost: Full price: $55; Member: $40; Conc Member: $35 In today’s world of instant communication, it is important for authors to understand the changes in the media landscape and how to navigate them. The way to publicise a book has changed dramatically over the past five […]
2014 Writing the Erotic
Who: Krissy Kneen When: Saturday 2 August 2014, 10am-4pm Cost: Full Price: $180; Member: $125; Conc Member: $110 Erotica has risen in popularity in recent times and yet even the best-selling erotic novels are criticised for their clunky prose and unsexy sex scenes. Join critically acclaimed writer of genuinely erotic literary sex, Krissy Kneen as […]
2014 E-books for Beginners
Who: Emily Craven When: Saturday 2 August 2014, 10am-4pm Cost: Full Price: $180; Member: $125; Conc Member: $110 Trying to get a handle on the E-Book Revolution? This workshop is for writers who wish to understand how changes in the publishing can benefit them. It covers opportunities for authors who would like to leverage technology to […]
2014 Editing Essentials
Who: Tony Spencer-Smith When: 4 x Wednesday evenings: 30 July; 6, 13 & 20 August 2014, 6:30pm-9:30pm (Please note date change from printed program: course starts one week earlier). Cost: Full price: $440; Member: $310; Conc Member: $265 Editing and proofreading are a vital part of the writing journey. A first draft is only the […]
2014 Writing Fiction
Who: Steven Carroll When: Saturday 9 August 2014 10am – 4pm Cost: Full price: $180; Member: $125; Conc Member: $110 Join Miles Franklin award-winning author Steven Carroll (Spirit of Progress) for this advanced workshop on writing fiction. This one day intensive workshop will provide participants with an in-depth and practical insight into fiction writing. This […]
2014 The Ultimate Selfie: Writing Memoir
Who: Jo Case When: Saturday 16 August 2014, 10am-4pm Cost: Full price: $180; Member: $125; Conc Member: $110 In the writing world, memoir is the new black. Readers – and publishers – are hungry for distinctive, beautifully told true tales that give new insight into what it is to be human in a particular place, […]
2014 Fiction Feedback: A Critique Group
Who: Nicola O’Shea When: 8 x Saturday afternoons: 16, 30 August; 13, 27 September; 11, 25 October; 15, 29 November 2014, 1pm-4pm Cost: Full price: $960; Member: $670; Conc Member: $580 Take your fiction-writing and evaluation skills to the next level in this intense but friendly critique group convened by fiction editor Nicola O’Shea. Prior […]
2014 Write to Speak
Who: Miles Merrill and Buddy Wakefield When: Saturday 23 August 2014, 10am-4pm Cost: Full price: $180; Member: $125; Conc Member: $110 With years of professional experience, two award winning poetry slam experts look at ways of using stories and poetry to get your message across: from holding a microphone to expressing vulnerability to editing your text for a live […]
2014 Inviting the Muse: Creativity for Writers
Who: Beth Yahp When: 4 x Sunday mornings: 24, 31 August; 7 14 September 2014, 10am-1pm Cost: Full price: $440; Member: $310; Conc Member: $265 This course is for people who are interested in writing fiction, travel or life stories. It is for those who have a story to tell and have been wondering how […]
2014 Dramatic Studio: Advanced Play Writing Techniques
Who: Timothy Daly When: 8 x Saturday afternoons: 30 August; 6, 13, 20 September; 11, 18, 25 October; 1 November 2014, 1pm-4pm Cost: Full price: $880; Member: $615; Conc Member: $530 These eight intensive sessions are designed to teach you the techniques for writing full-length plays and selling them to the national and international theatre […]
2014 Poetry Masterclass
Who: Mike Ladd When: Saturday 6 September 2014, 10am-4pm Cost: Full price: $180; Member: $125; Conc Member: $110 If you have had a poem or two published, or your first book released, and now want to take the next step, this is the course for you. In the first half of the workshop Mike will […]
2014 Writing for Young Adults
Who: James Roy When: 6 x Sunday mornings 7, 14, 21 September; 12, 19, 26 October 2014, 10am-1pm Cost: Full price: $600; Member: $420; Conc Member: $360 Award-winning YA author James Roy will take you on a tour of the YA scene, answering questions such as: Where does YA fiction fit into the wider publishing […]
2014 Writing Humour
Who: Geoffrey Atherden When: Saturday 13 September 2014, 10am-4pm Cost: Full price: $180; Member: $125; Conc Member: $110 Humour has a wide spectrum and this one-day workshop on the craft of comedy will attempt to cover as much of it as possible, from gentle whimsy to raucous slapstick, from serious satire to the uncomfortable and […]