
March Write-in (In person)

Saturday 1 March 2025, 10.30am – 2pm

How is that resolution to write more this year going? January was easy, but February came with fresh challenges of returning to work, getting the family organised, or perhaps even moving house. Just because you missed a few goals last month is no reason to abandon your bigger objective. Get your writing back on track with our March Write-in – four hours dedicated to you and your writing.

What to expect

A mixture of quiet writing sprints and optional informal ‘coffee and chat’ breaks. The writing sprints start short but extend in length over the duration of the Write-in as you get into the groove. Tea, coffee and light snacks help to keep you fuelled up. Bring a lunch for the long break and a fully charged device (or pen and paper).

Write-ins happen monthly and bookings are essential. If you have any questions, please contact us.

More from Writing NSW

Check out our full range of in-person writing courses in Sydney, our online writing courses and our feedback programs to see how we can help you on your writing journey. Find out about our grants and prizes, as well as writing groups across NSW, and sign up to our weekly newsletter for writing events, opportunities and giveaways.

This event has already taken place.

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