Writing Contemporary Women’s Fiction

Dianne Blacklock

Saturday 21 September, 10am-4pm

Full Price: $195
Member: $135
Conc Member: $120

Writing for women about women has never been so exciting or fraught. For a long time, women’s stories have been categorised as ‘women’s fiction’ as though they’re a minority, when women are by far the major writers, readers and buyers of books. There would be no publishing industry without women. Today women are making themselves heard and seen more than ever. There is the opportunity to revitalise our stories, challenge stale tropes and write about what it is to be a woman today in all its myriad facets.

In this workshop Dianne Blacklock will explore the vast genre of women’s fiction: what it is, what draws readers to it and what makes it successful. Using examples from the genre, participants will be taken through the fundamentals of creating relatable characters and telling a compelling story with heart and humour. And we’ll look at how to maximise pace to keep those pages turning, which is vital in genre fiction.

Listen to Dianne Blacklock discuss her career in fiction writing on Talking Aussie Books below:


Expected Learning Outcomes

Participants will:

  1. Gain a greater appreciation of the breadth of the women’s fiction genre and where your writing fits within it;
  2. Develop a deeper understanding of the importance of character, plot and pace in commercial genre fiction; and
  3. Learn new tools and approaches and leave with newfound motivation for your project.

Participant Requirements

Pen and paper or preferred device for writing. Please ensure your device is charged.

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