Watch the recording of our First Friday Club event with Terri-ann White, in conversation with Senior Programs Officer, Ashley Kalagian Blunt.
In March 2021, internationally published author and editor Eugen Bacon joined us to discuss her multifaceted publishing career.
Lily spoke about her career spanning over 30 years in First Peoples Cultural Development, Arts Management and in Theatre and performance making.
Watch the full interview with Catriona Menzies-Pike on our YouTube channel.
Listen to Kirsten speak about her experience as an author and editor and the new ways writers have been working and promoting their books while in isolation
Watch a conversation between Joel Naoum and David Henley about the changing nature of booksales and more
‘With friends, the novel you have been meaning to write for a decade, the incubating memoir, and that idea for a picture book can be developed further with the added benefit of likeminded company.’
‘What successful authors have in common is that they’ve found their community and catered to it… Really try to nail the core demographic of your genre.’
‘[Making a bestseller] is the mysterious combination of all those factors: the right time, the right place, a compelling story and the role of the publisher in making the most of opportunities.’