Writing Groups: Fiction

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Scripto Libris

Scripto Libris is a spin off writers’ group from Alan Mill’s year-long novel writing course. We are highly motivated and goal focused to produce the best quality writing we can and to enjoy the journey.

Writing NSW
members only
Closed to new members
Second Saturday of the month
Hybrid: In-person at Writing NSW and Online
Contact Writing NSW for more information

Seize the Day

We are a friendly group whose members conscientiously and constructively critique each other’s writing. Founding member, Rowena Harding-Smith, has won the Sisters In Crime Scarlet Stiletto Award (2018). Ian McArthur was shortlisted for the Varuna Publisher Introduction Program Fellowship (2019), and Gillian Rubinstein is author of more than 30 books, including the Tales of the Otori series under the pseudonym of Lian Hearn. Our purpose is to assist all members to achieve their writing goals through constructive criticism and social support.

Writing NSW
members only
Closed to new members
Third Saturday of the month
Writing NSW
Contact Writing NSW for more information

Shellharbour Writers

Shellharbour Writers is a small but fun group of like minded people, working towards the same goal—to write. We have poets, memoir, fiction and fantasy writers who come together once a month to work on a theme. The group is supportive and we have have simple workshop activities with time to just discuss what we are all doing and ask for help from the group. We meet monthly at Shellharbour City Library.
Open to new members
Shellharbour City Library
Contact Cathy for more information


A friendly group of men and women of different ages and life experiences and a group involved in a variety of writing forms. We hope to provide a forum which stimulates an exchange of ideas to extend the experience, knowledge and enjoyment of the creative writing process. Our purpose is to provide an environment in which fellow writers may present their work for critiquing within both a supportive and helpful environment. Our aim is to motivate and inspire each of us to improve our own writing practice.

Writing NSW
members only
Closed to new members
Third Thursday of the month
Writing NSW
Contact Writing NSW for more information

The Camden Writers Inc

The Camden Writers Inc (CWI) is a Camden NSW community writer’s group going on its 27th year. We have a colourful, diverse, and vibrant group of writers of all ages (21+) who support each other to improve their writing confidence and self-publish.

Open to new members
First and third Tuesday of the month
Narellan Library in the Red Gum Room
Contact Evan for more information
(02) 4647 5111

The Inkwell

The Inkwell is a group of women writers who meet fortnightly to provide feedback, share experiences and discuss the ups and downs of the writing life. Our purpose is to provide support and share writing experience.

Writing NSW
members only
Closed to new members
Wednesdays fortnightly
Writing NSW
Contact Writing NSW for more information

Thursday Night Novelists

We write novel-length work in various genres, meeting weekly to constructively critique each other’s work. Open to dedicated members who are committed to regular attendance and advanced contribution.

Writing NSW
members only
Closed to new members
Thursdays weekly
Writing NSW
Contact Writing NSW for more information

Tuesday Night Writing for Children and General Fiction

We are a critiquing group for writers of fiction. We deal in children’s fiction and general fiction. We aim to improve our skills in writing fiction. We bring work ranging across chapter books, middle school, YA, and general fiction for critiquing.

Writing NSW
members only
Open to new members
Tuesdays fortnightly
Online via Zoom
Contact Writing NSW for more information

Women Writers’ Network

We have been meeting – and supporting and encouraging women writers – for nearly thirty years. We are open to all genres of writing: prose, poetry, fiction, non-fiction, children’s books, plays and screen writing. Some members are striving to be published, many just enjoy writing and providing feedback on others’ work. Our aim is to provide constructive feedback in a supportive environment, fostering all levels of writing. We meet weekly but attendance is flexible – there are usually eight to twelve women at any session. We focus on workshopping each others’ work in a friendly and respectful but rigorous way.

Writing NSW
members only
Open to new members
Wednesdays weekly
Writing NSW
Contact Writing NSW for more information

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