Young Adult Manuscript Assessments

Josie Montano


Full Price: $360
Member: $270

Do you need expert insight to help your middle grade or young adult manuscript reach its full potential?

What should I expect?

In a one-hour session, our industry expert will work with you to help your manuscript reach its full potential. Feedback may include discussions of theme, structure, voice, plot, characterisation, point of view, language, dialogue, audience, genre and/or pace, as well as discussion of publishing options, time permitting.

You will receive a brief written summary of the assessor’s key feedback points; however, you will not receive edits on your manuscript submission. This one-on-one meeting is a chance to discuss issues and potential solutions, and to ask questions.

All of our assessments are carried out via Zoom or a phone call.

Please note: There is a limit of one booking per person.

Is my manuscript eligible?

These assessments are suitable for manuscripts of 20,000 words or more, intended for junior fiction/middle grade readers (approximately ages 8 to 12) or young adult manuscripts. If you are writing a shorter manuscript, please see our children’s book assessments.

Next dates

  • Thursday, 3 April 2025 with Josie Montano (via Zoom/phone)
  • Join the waitlist for future YA Manuscript Assessments on different dates

How to Book

Available session times throughout the day:

  • 9:00AM-10:00AM
  • 10:15AM-11.15AM
  • 12:00PM-1:00PM
  • 2:30PM-3:30PM
  • 3:45PM-4.45PM

Please select one of the sessions from the ‘book now’ menu and complete the transaction. Please then email us at with your time preference and we will secure your time slot.

Submission requirements

You will need to provide the following at least 10 days before your assessment:

  • the first 4000 words of your manuscript*
  • a one-page synopsis, up to 300 words (need help with your synopsis? Please see our guide to writing a synopsis)
  • a brief writing CV including a statement of goals for this manuscript, no more than one page

*Please note that if your manuscript excerpt exceeds the word limit, it will be truncated at 4000 words before being forwarded to the assessor. Please respect the time the assessor is dedicating to reading your work by sticking to the industry standard formatting and word limit. Thank you.

Submitting your work

Once you have made your appointment, you will need to your submission at least 10 days before your assessment as one document in MS Word format. Your document must be formatted to industry standards, as follows:

  • Line spacing: 1.5 or double
  • Font: Times New Roman
  • Size: 12 pt
  • Margins: minimum 3 cm all round (Word default margins are fine)
  • Paragraphing: indent all paragraphs except the first paragraph of a new chapter or section; only put spaces between paragraphs where you wish to indicate a section break
  • Text should be range left (which means the right edge is ‘ragged’), not justified
  • Page numbers: consecutive from beginning to end

You can submit your document via our submission form.

Please note, if your materials are not submitted at least 10 days before your assessment, we cannot guarantee your assessor will have time to review them before your appointment.

Please note: There is a limit of one booking per person.

Cancellation Policy

Your enrolment is non-refundable. If you should wish to withdraw from a manuscript assessment, you must inform Writing NSW at least fourteen days in advance of the assessment to receive a full credit. Withdrawals up to seven days prior to the assessment will be eligible for a 50% credit. Withdrawals in the week prior to the assessment are ineligible for credit.

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