Finding a Creative Practice

Kavita Bedford

Saturday 21 October 2023, 10am-4pm

Full Price: $210
Member: $155
Conc Member: $135

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This writing course about finding a creative practice takes place at Writing NSW in Sydney.

Writing requires talent and discipline, sure, but often what stands between us and our words, is ourselves. Writing also requires knowing yourself. So, how do we get out of our own way and allow the creativity to flow? How can we bring joy back to the creative process?

Is this course right for you? Read our FAQ >

This course with author Kavita Bedford is designed for those who want to develop or deepen an already existing creative practice. We will discuss different models of creativity and uncover what is already working for you and what might not be. We will talk about fears and blocks and explore new approaches and strategies to release them. We will look at the importance of routine and then of breaking that routine. We will approach ways to talk with the inner-critic and strategies for viewing writing as an act of empathy.

On the day, Kavita will guide you through a brief movement and breath sequence catered to all levels. This strategy is for releasing blocks from the body and is something you can continue at home to support your creative practice. Please note: the movement and breath sequence is optional.

Expected learning outcomes

Participants will:

  1. Learn how to work with creative blocks and apply different techniques to release them
  2. Learn how to structure routines for their writing practice in a way that suits their lifestyle
  3. Learn how to cope with and use criticism to improve their writing
  4. Learn how to bring a more intuitive approach to their practice and build empathy in their writing.

Participant requirements

Pen and paper, fully charged device optional. Wear clothing that you feel comfortable doing gentle movements in.

Please read our FAQ before enrolling.

If you have questions about this course, please contact us.

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