From Crazy Idea to Polished Product

Tom Doig

Saturday 17 November 2018, 10am-4pm

Full Price: $195
Member: $135
Conc Member: $120

Do you have an amazing true story that you’re dying to tell, but you don’t know where to start? Do you want to write something profound and mind-blowing, but you’re just not sure what to write about? Or are you already smashing the keyboard, and want to add some more strings to your non-fictional bow? Either way, this course on memoir or literary journalism will help you on to the next step. You’ll learn about writing from personal experience, interviewing techniques to generate great material for narrative non-fiction, and stylistic strategies to write about non-fiction events in prose that reads ‘like a novel’.

During this intensive day-long session, Tom Doig will discuss the long and winding road ‘from crazy idea to polished product’. He will give you practical tips about how to grow your non-fiction in stages, from tiny (a tweet, a Facebook post) to medium-sized (a feature article) to huge (a book!). Bring along your best and brightest ideas, plus a sample from a work-in-progress to work on during the session.

Expected Learning Outcomes

  1. Participants will understand how to write from personal experience.
  2. Participants will develop interview strategies, and understand how to interview for narrative.
  3. Participants will study how to write nonfiction events ‘like a novel’.

Participant Requirements

  • Bring a short sample (500-1000 words) of your nonfiction work-in-progress, to be revised during the session, and potentially to be workshopped with the group – time permitting
  • Bring a pen and paper and/or laptop
  • Bring a basic recording device (smartphone / Dictaphone) and headphones, for recording and playing back practice interviews
  • Must be willing to be interviewed by other course participants
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