Grammar and Punctuation Made Easy

Tony Spencer-Smith

Saturday 22 September 2018, 10am-4pm

Full Price: $195
Member: $135
Conc Member: $120

Does the word grammar scare you? Does the word punctuation bring you out in spots? You may be suffering from grammarphobia. The good news is that grammar can be taught in a practical, engaging way.

Grammar and punctuation are generally as natural to us as the air we breathe. They are the way any language works. We only have a problem with grammar and punctuation because very few if any of us master all the rules automatically.

This one-day course focuses on teaching the stuff people really need to know. Experts have dreamt up countless confusing grammar terms – and many of them can simply be ignored while others can be explained without opaque jargon.

The modern teaching approach is relaxed and flexible. As the great American style writer Roy Peter Clark puts it, look on the rules as tools. He writes: ‘I want to use these tools for effect, to help the reader learn, laugh, cringe and turn the page.

This course uses a combination of lecturing, discussion and exercises to help you banish your grammar gremlins forever and become a better writer.

Expected Learning Outcomes

  1. Participants will master the tricky aspects of grammar.
  2. Participants will be able to punctuate with precision and flair.
  3. Participants will understand how to use the rules of language to become better writers.

Participant Requirements

Pen and paper.

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