Speculative Fiction

J.S. Breukelaar

Saturday 21 September 2024, 10am-4pm

Full Price: $210
Member: $155
Conc Member: $135

This writing course, Speculative Fiction with J.S. Breukelaar, takes place at Writing NSW in Sydney.

Is your science fiction/fantasy/ghost story just begging to be written—or finished—if only you knew how? Do you have amazing ideas but are not quite sure how to get them onto the page? Join author J.S. Breukelaar for a workshop that will leave you with the skills and confidence to make your speculative fiction work stand out.

Is this course right for you? Read our FAQ >

In this course you will use exercises designed specifically for writing speculative fiction, e.g. how to extrapolate science into futuristic technology, conjure new forms of magic, imagine beauty amid the ruins of fantastic urban terrains, and bring nightmares to life. You will look at techniques focusing on world-building, character creation, plotting, dialogue, viewpoints, and avoiding cliché. There will be discussion around genre conventions, current publishing trends, podcasts, comic books, trilogies and more.

Expected learning outcomes

In this workshop, participants will:

  1. Learn skills and literary techniques to improve your own speculative fiction project
  2. Define your manuscript more productively in terms of genre, audience, and influence
  3. Identify market opportunities most receptive to your work and discuss submission processes

This workshop takes place at Writing NSW in Sydney.

Participant requirements

Pen and paper, and/or a fully charged device. Writing samples for discussion are welcome.

Please read our FAQ> before enrolling. If you have questions about this course, please contact us.

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Speculative Fiction


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