Writing for the Primary School Education Market
Louise Park
Saturday 1 December 2018, 10am-4pm
Full Price: $195
Member: $135
Conc Member: $120
Sold out – join the waitlist
Many well-known children’s authors began their careers writing for the education market and continue to do so alongside successful trade careers. Education publishing offers wonderful diversity and scope; it is also one of the best training grounds for emerging writers. But what exactly is it?
Education writers are paid to create resources that support the Australian primary school curriculum. If you think this sounds limiting, think again! An education writer can find herself knee-deep in a historical fiction novel one moment and a biography of a famous inventor the next. It is engaging, varied and exacting all at once. Education writing is crafted to tightly written briefs and is heavily affected by editorial and design concerns, offering the perfect training environment for career writers. Writing for the education market sets writers up to spread their wings.
Find out how to get started in this full-day introduction to the field. You’ll learn about education briefs and guidelines, how to accommodate editorial considerations, and the basics of education publishing contracts. You’ll find out what makes a winning manuscript, and you’ll learn skills easily transferable to trade publishing.
Expected Learning Outcomes
- Participants will gain an understanding of the scope of the education market, its publishers and publishing
- Participants will know how to submit a manuscript: what to include and what to avoid
- Participants will understand education briefs and writing guidelines
- Participants will learn how to apply education writing fundamentals to writing for the trade market
Participant Requirements
Participants may bring in a half-page sample of their writing, which may be randomly selected for workshopping – time permitting.