Reading Like a Writer

Belinda Castles

Saturday 19 October 2024, 10am-4pm

Full Price: $210
Member: $155
Conc Member: $135

This course about reading like a writer takes place at Writing NSW in Sydney.

All writers begin as readers and in this one-day writing workshop, novelist and writing lecturer Belinda Castles will guide you to think about what we can learn from reading stories closely, with an eye and ear for craft.

Is this course right for you? Read our FAQ >

Drawing on her edited essay collection, Reading like an Australian Writer, Belinda will explore lessons learned from brilliant contemporary writers of fiction and their favourite authors. Using these lessons and discussion of your own reading as a writer, we will generate writing ideas through exercises, do flash workshops of the material we generate in class, and set future directions for our practice as a reading-writer.

This reading and writing workshop is designed with the idea in mind that talking about reading with others who appreciate stories is an energising and practical way to fuel our own writing, and that the reading of stories can often help us to solve our own writing challenges. Expect to finish the workshop with a renewed appreciation for the stories you love, fresh energy and sharpened tools for your own writing, and story and character ideas generated by the writing activities.

Expected learning outcomes

Participants will:

  1. Learn methods for reading fiction closely and the lessons imparted for writers.
  2. Discover new reading ideas from the class instructor and classmates that will sustain their writing practice.
  3. Generate writing through in-class activities, to develop into stories or incorporate into ongoing work after the course.

Participant requirements

Pen and paper, and/or a fully charged device. There will be some pre-readings of course materials emailed to you before the course begins. Bring a short passage from a story that has taught you something about writing.

Please read our FAQ> before enrolling. If you have questions about this course, please contact us.

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Reading Like a Writer


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