Online Live Seminar: Building Your Author Brand
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This writing seminar about building your author brand takes place online.
It’s more important than ever for writers to think about their profile, reach and brand – even before they’ve been published.
Join literary sector leader and social media poet Kate Larsen to find out what options are available to you, how to use different platforms to your best advantage, and how to balance your writing time alongside the time you need to spend building your brand as a writer.
This webinar will take place via Zoom — you will be sent a link to join prior to the event.
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Expected Learning Outcomes
Participants will:
- Learn how to manage their author reputation and brand (not let them manage you!)
- Learn how to build their digital presence and profile (including online platforms that work for them)
- Learn author promo, publicity and marketing tips.
Participant Requirements
You may wish to have a pen and paper or an open Word doc ready to take notes during the webinar.
You do not need to have the Zoom app downloaded to access this course. A link to join will be sent to you a day prior to the course; please click on this link to join when you are ready. We recommend you join 5-10 minutes before the seminar is due to start.
You do not need to have an existing online platform to participate. However, a level of familiarity with these platforms will be required as the workshop will not include a how-to guide to setting up websites or social media accounts.
If you have questions about this course, please contact us.
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