Writing groups are a great way to improve your writing, meet fellow writers, and get inspired to write. Many published authors credit writing groups with giving them the confidence and skills to pursue a career in writing. Writing NSW hosts a number of writing groups for different genres, communities, and levels of experience. Self-run by volunteers,  these groups generally meet at Writing NSW in Callan Park though some do meet online.

Join a Writing NSW Writers Group

These groups are only open to current members of Writing NSW. More information on each group can be found in the searchable list below.

If the group you wish to join is closed you can email us here to join a waitlist. However, we cannot guarantee when any particular group might open. You could consider starting a new group, Writing NSW can provide a high level of support to get you started. See below for more information.

Only currently open groups are listed here. You can select at most 3 groups.

Start a new Writing Group

Can’t find that perfect group that meets at the right time, writes the right genre, or has the same interests? Start your own writing group! Setting up and running a writing group is not hard, and Writing NSW will help you administer and promote it. This leaves you free to concentrate on running meetings and writing. We have a range of rooms to use, free tea and coffee, and the option to meet online via Zoom. Check out How to Start a Writing Group for more information and contact us to get started.

Use our searchable directory to find independent writing groups facilitated by organisations and individuals across the state. Contact these groups directly via the provided link. If you would like your group listed on our directory click here.

We are grateful to Inner West Council for their support of our writing groups.

Writing Group Search

Open Genre

We encourage and support writers at all stages of their career through robust, constructive and helpful feedback on their writing. We offer an opportunity to read and share works in progress across all genres, including but not limited to poetry, memoir, fiction, sci-fi, fantasy; share ideas; as an opportunity to socialise; share experience and knowledge about contests, publishing, marketing etc. Finally, provide an opportunity to improve members’ skills in critiquing the work of others. For more information click here.
Writing NSW
members only
Closed to new members
Thursdays weekly
Online via Zoom
Contact Writing NSW for more information

Orana Writers’ Hub

The Orana Writers’ Hub meets in Dubbo on the first Saturday of the month from 10am to 1pm. Writers of all stages, ages and genres are welcome to come and hang out with like- minded people, discuss writing and engage, if there is time, in a writing related workshop. Contact Val at outbackwriters@gmail.com for more information.

Open to new members
First Saturday of the month
Contact Val Clark for more information

Pennant Hills Poets Group

This group is for those who write poetry. Come along, bring a draft poem, receive positive and constructive comments. We meet on alternate Thursdays 10am to 12 noon at Pennant Hills Community Health Centre, 5 Fisher Avenue, Pennant Hills.

Open to new members
Thursdays fortnightly
Pennant Hills Community Health Centre, 5 Fisher Avenue, Pennant Hills
David on 0412 643 328

Picture This

A very industrious critique group, for writers of picture books, with the aim of supporting and developing the writing of each member in the aim of getting published.
Writing NSW
members only
Closed to new members
Second Monday of the month
Writing NSW
Contact Writing NSW for more information

Pittwater Writers

We are a group of committed writers meeting monthly who are actively working towards completing a novel. We take turns in providing approx 2000 words to the group and comment with supportive feedback in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. We aim to improve our writing skills, finish our work, and publish.

Open to new members
Third Wednesday of the month
Royal Motor Yacht Club Broken Bay, 46 Prince Alfred Parade, Newport NSW 2106
Contact Sylvia King for more information

Port Writers

Port Writers is a community writing group located on the Mid North Coast of NSW in Port Macquarie. We aim to provide a comfortable, supportive and cooperative environment. At Port Writers, members are encouraged to share and practice their writing. Writers are supported to improve their literary knowledge and increase their realm of literary experience.

Open to new members
Fourth Saturday of the Month
Port Macquarie Rotary Clubs Community Centre, 198 Hastings River Drive, Port Macquarie
Contact Port Writers for more information

Queer Writers Group

This group is about supporting emerging queer and queer-friendly writers to publish their work. The purpose of the group is to discuss writing styles and to exchange ideas and experiences of members to improve their skills in their writing journey.

Writing NSW
members only
Open to new members
Second Thursday of the month
Writing NSW
Contact Writing NSW for more information

Round Table Poets

Round Table Poets is an association of published professional poets who workshop their poetry for future publication. The group have met continuously since 1976, with many changes of writers along the way. Our group purpose is to improve our professional development and promote and maintain contacts, share knowledge and opportunities open to poets re competitions, fellowships etc.

Closed to new members
Third Saturday of the month
Online via Zoom
Contact Jacqueline Buswell for more information

Scripto Libris

Scripto Libris is a spin off writers’ group from Alan Mill’s year-long novel writing course. We are highly motivated and goal focused to produce the best quality writing we can and to enjoy the journey.

Writing NSW
members only
Closed to new members
Second Saturday of the month
Hybrid: In-person at Writing NSW and Online
Contact Writing NSW for more information

Seize the Day

We are a friendly group whose members conscientiously and constructively critique each other’s writing. Founding member, Rowena Harding-Smith, has won the Sisters In Crime Scarlet Stiletto Award (2018). Ian McArthur was shortlisted for the Varuna Publisher Introduction Program Fellowship (2019), and Gillian Rubinstein is author of more than 30 books, including the Tales of the Otori series under the pseudonym of Lian Hearn. Our purpose is to assist all members to achieve their writing goals through constructive criticism and social support.

Writing NSW
members only
Closed to new members
Third Saturday of the month
Writing NSW
Contact Writing NSW for more information

Shellharbour Writers

Shellharbour Writers is a small but fun group of like minded people, working towards the same goal—to write. We have poets, memoir, fiction and fantasy writers who come together once a month to work on a theme. The group is supportive and we have have simple workshop activities with time to just discuss what we are all doing and ask for help from the group. We meet monthly at Shellharbour City Library.
Open to new members
Shellharbour City Library
Contact Cathy for more information

Southern Highlands FAW

The Southern Highlands Branch of the Fellowship of Australian Writers (FAWSH) is a non-profit organisation committed to supporting local writers. Our parent organisation is the Fellowship of Australian Writers.

Second Saturday of the month
Welby Hall, 14 Currockbilly Street, Welby 2575
Contact Southern Highlands FAW for more information

Spill the Beans

We are an online writing group.   We support a community of budding and established writers through short challenges, online publication of our members’ stories, zoom meetings where we read our stories, Q & A panels and author interviews.

This is an open group and we welcome a range of genres for adults and children. We don’t have a regular meeting time.  Upcoming challenges and info regarding Zoom sessions are posted on spillthebeans.net.au.  (Facebook SPILL THE BEANS)

Open to new members
Contact Spill the Beans for more information

Stanton Library Writers’ Group

We are a dynamic group of novice writers who meet once a month to read their works and provide feedback. We launched our first anthology in 2017, Pieces of North Shore, and have released our second, Standing Out or Fitting In: Collection of Short Stories.
Visit their website for more information and to join.
Open to new members
First Sunday of the month
Stanton Library


A friendly group of men and women of different ages and life experiences and a group involved in a variety of writing forms. We hope to provide a forum which stimulates an exchange of ideas to extend the experience, knowledge and enjoyment of the creative writing process. Our purpose is to provide an environment in which fellow writers may present their work for critiquing within both a supportive and helpful environment. Our aim is to motivate and inspire each of us to improve our own writing practice.

Writing NSW
members only
Closed to new members
Third Thursday of the month
Writing NSW
Contact Writing NSW for more information

Stroud Writers FAW

Stroud writers is a group of creative writers, our aim is to promote emerging writers. Members are encouraged to contribute anecdotes, poetry, short stories and memoirs. All works presented by members at the meetings are assessed in an informal and generous manner. Various workshops are organised throughout the year to assist in understanding different genres and construction of form.

Open to new members
Thursdays fortnightly
Stroud Library
Contact Stroud Writers for more information

Sutherland Shire FAW

The Sutherland Shire Fellowship of Australian Writers is here to help, support and encourage you in your writing. Our group contains new writers and experienced writers – you’re one of those aren’t you? The Shire FAW is a place to meet locals who share your passion for writing. We hope to see you at our next meeting.

Last Saturday of the month
123 Flora Street Sutherland Multipurpose Centre
Contact Sutherland Shire FAW for more information

Sydney Non-Fiction Writing Group

Sydney Non-Fiction Writing Group’s aim is to help professional writers along their journey to be published or self- published. Ideally, members have already had their work published. Members must have a book concept that they are committed to working on and meeting regularly for the sake of continuity. Members must respect everyone’s work and come together in an enjoyable atmosphere. The meetings will provide a safe space for constructive critique, sharing tips and strategies, information and resources regarding writing and publishing. Also, to offer support and motivation for writers to develop their work towards the goal of publication. The aim is to get the book published.

Writing NSW
members only
Open to new members
First Monday of the month.
Writing NSW
Contact Writing NSW for more information

The Camden Writers Inc

The Camden Writers Inc (CWI) is a Camden NSW community writer’s group going on its 27th year. We have a colourful, diverse, and vibrant group of writers of all ages (21+) who support each other to improve their writing confidence and self-publish.

Open to new members
First and third Tuesday of the month
Narellan Library in the Red Gum Room
Contact Evan for more information
(02) 4647 5111

The Half-Written Book Club

Prose writing group for all genres. We are based on the Central Coast, but since we meet by Zoom it doesn’t really matter where you live except for occasional catch ups. Friendly and encouraging group hosted by a professional editor. Most surprisingly, it’s free! Maximum of eight participants.

Open to new members
First Sunday of the month, 3:30-5:00pm
Online via Zoom
Contact Tina Baker for more information

The Inkwell

The Inkwell is a group of women writers who meet fortnightly to provide feedback, share experiences and discuss the ups and downs of the writing life. Our purpose is to provide support and share writing experience.

Writing NSW
members only
Closed to new members
Wednesdays fortnightly
Writing NSW
Contact Writing NSW for more information

The Writers Circle

Join other writers to write alone in a circle of friends and fellow writers.

In the writers circle there’s only writing – no need to share your work unless you want to. Wanting to spend time writing is all that’s needed to come along – just bring your laptop, writing pad, your journal and whatever it is you need. There’s time for chats for the first and last 30 minutes. In between, there’s a (quiet) alarm to set the time for writing sprints. $5 per session.

Open to new members
Every second Sunday. Contact for more details.
2pm - 5pm
Good Earth Bookshop, 24 Station Street, Wentworth Falls
Contact Catherine for more information

Thursday Night Novelists

We write novel-length work in various genres, meeting weekly to constructively critique each other’s work. Open to dedicated members who are committed to regular attendance and advanced contribution.

Writing NSW
members only
Closed to new members
Thursdays weekly
Writing NSW
Contact Writing NSW for more information

Tuesday Night Writing for Children and General Fiction

We are a critiquing group for writers of fiction. We deal in children’s fiction and general fiction. We aim to improve our skills in writing fiction. We bring work ranging across chapter books, middle school, YA, and general fiction for critiquing.

Writing NSW
members only
Open to new members
Tuesdays fortnightly
Online via Zoom
Contact Writing NSW for more information

TV Writers Room

TV Writers Room (Sydney) is a weekly group designed specifically for TV writers who are keen to collaborate on developing pilot scripts, show bibles, and pitches. Unlike traditional writers groups that primarily focus on feedback, we operate similarly to a TV writers’ room, where a small group of writers—limited to 5 to 8 members—work collectively on each other’s projects. This approach allows us to dedicate ample time to each member’s pilot, show bible, and pitch over a 10-month period. We can be contacted at via email at tvwritersroomaust@gmail.com or clicking on the link.

Open to new members
Online via Google Meet
Contact Daniel Ogilvie for more information
0491 642 077

Wednesday Night Poets

We meet every Wednesday evening to read and critique each other’s poems. We welcome experienced and emerging poets, but have little expertise in spoken word poetry, bush verse or seriously experimental work. Our purpose is to help and encourage members to develop their skills by critiquing each other’s poems constructively and politely

Writing NSW
members only
Closed to new members
Wednesdays weekly
Writing NSW
Contact Writing NSW for more information

Wollondilly FAW

The Wollondilly Fellowship of Australian Writers meet on the second Sunday of the month from 1:00pm at the Tahmoor Community Centre.

Second Sunday of the month
Tahmoor Community Centre
Contact Wollondilly FAW for more information

Women Writers’ Network

We have been meeting – and supporting and encouraging women writers – for nearly thirty years. We are open to all genres of writing: prose, poetry, fiction, non-fiction, children’s books, plays and screen writing. Some members are striving to be published, many just enjoy writing and providing feedback on others’ work. Our aim is to provide constructive feedback in a supportive environment, fostering all levels of writing. We meet weekly but attendance is flexible – there are usually eight to twelve women at any session. We focus on workshopping each others’ work in a friendly and respectful but rigorous way.

Writing NSW
members only
Open to new members
Wednesdays weekly
Writing NSW
Contact Writing NSW for more information


A group that spends time writing, after giving each other word prompts. We then share our work. It doesn’t matter how experienced you are as a writer, so long as you are interested in getting started with writing and willing to encourage other members of the group. Our purpose is to encourage writing, in whatever genre and style members choose, and to encourage publication of members’ writing.

Writing NSW
members only
Open to new members
Wednesdays weekly
Writing NSW
Contact Writing NSW for more information

Writing on Water

A new writers’ group for novelists is seeking members. Open to both novices and experienced writers, the group will meet at Concord & Ryde Sailing Club on the Parramatta River. In good weather, group will meet on the deck over the river; in inclement weather, group will meet inside. Tea and coffee will be available, but participants should bring their own lunch.

Open to new members
One Friday a month.
Concord Ryde Sailing Club
0418 457 020

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