Writing Groups: Fiction

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A Write of Passage

A committed group of writers working towards publication. Friendly and considerate feedback is given in a fun and enjoyable atmosphere which assists in producing quality work for publication.  New members must show a commitment to the group and submit work on a regular basis. They must show respect for everyone’s work, honesty, integrity and will celebrate each other’s achievements.

Writing NSW
members only
Open to new members
Wednesdays weekly
Online via Zoom
Contact Writing NSW for more information

Blue Mountains FAW

The Blue Mountains Branch of the Fellowship of Australian Writers was established in 1973. We gather to support each other as writers. All genres of writing are explored. Writers are encouraged to publish their work

First Sunday of the month Second Sundays of the month in September and October
Springwood Sports Club
Contact Jeanette Temesvary for more information

Blue Mountains Writers

We are an established group of writers writing across diverse fiction genres and sharing the beautiful Blue Mountains. We meet monthly to provide critical and constructive feedback on each other’s work. Working in different genres gives us the ability to give feedback from different viewpoints. Members are at various stages in their writing.

Open to new members
First Monday of the month
Contact Catherine for more information

Canberra Speculative Fiction Guild

Monthly members’ meetings at which we discuss the business of the association and conduct informal workshops by members and guest speakers on the craft and business of creating speculative fiction. A novel writing group and critiquing groups for short stories and novels also meet regularly. The group includes writers from the Southern Highlands and the South Coast.

Third Wednesday of the month

Hawkesbury Writers/Editors Group

We are a supportive group of writers meeting once a month to discuss writing elements and to help improve each other’s work by providing constructive feedback on submissions. Submissions are up to 3,000 words, and are submitted 2 weeks prior to the meeting, to be critiqued by fellow members. The critiques are then shared on the night of the meeting, along with any discussions of particular interest.
Open to new members
Second Monday of each month
Currently on Zoom, contact for more information.
Contact Shane for more information
0407 152 912

Neenish Tarts

A long standing group providing feedback and support for our writing. We love the creative process and try to keep that energy in our writing.

Writing NSW
members only
Closed to new members
Second Friday of the month
Writing NSW
Contact Writing NSW for more information

No Boundaries

Whatever genre we write in, we can learn from stepping outside our safe zone. If you think that a fantasy writer can learn from a historical fiction author, or a long form journalist has something to offer a romance novelist, this might be your group. No Boundaries is open to writers of fiction and creative nonfiction who are looking for an environment where constructive criticism is exchanged with good heart, occasional humour and a willingness to be surprised.

While some writing experience is preferred, highly motivated beginners may be accepted. It is assumed that members are aiming for publication in some form, whether that be traditional book publishing, blogging, magazine articles, self-publishing, Substack, Medium, or any of the myriad ways we get our work to the outside world.

Writing NSW
members only
Closed to new members
2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month
10:00am - 1:00pm
Writing NSW
Contact Writing NSW for more information

Open Genre

We encourage and support writers at all stages of their career through robust, constructive and helpful feedback on their writing. We offer an opportunity to read and share works in progress across all genres, including but not limited to poetry, memoir, fiction, sci-fi, fantasy; share ideas; as an opportunity to socialise; share experience and knowledge about contests, publishing, marketing etc. Finally, provide an opportunity to improve members’ skills in critiquing the work of others. For more information click here.
Writing NSW
members only
Closed to new members
Thursdays weekly
Online via Zoom
Contact Writing NSW for more information

Scripto Libris

Scripto Libris is a spin off writers’ group from Alan Mill’s year-long novel writing course. We are highly motivated and goal focused to produce the best quality writing we can and to enjoy the journey.

Writing NSW
members only
Closed to new members
Second Saturday of the month
Hybrid: In-person at Writing NSW and Online
Contact Writing NSW for more information

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