Writing groups are a great way to improve your writing, meet fellow writers, and get inspired to write. Many published authors credit writing groups with giving them the confidence and skills to pursue a career in writing. Writing NSW hosts a number of writing groups for different genres, communities, and levels of experience. Self-run by volunteers,  these groups generally meet at Gary Owen House in Callan Park though some do meet online.

Join a Writing NSW Writers Group

These groups are only open to current members of Writing NSW. More information on each group can be found in the searchable list below.

If the group you wish to join is closed you can email us here to join a waitlist. However, we cannot guarantee when any particular group might open. You could consider starting a new group, Writing NSW can provide a high level of support to get you started. See below for more information.

Only currently open groups are listed here. You can select at most 3 groups. Alternatively, if you attended the Writing Group Information Day please fill in question below..

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Start a new Writing Group

Can’t find that perfect group that meets at the right time, writes the right genre, or has the same interests? Start your own writing group! Setting up and running a writing group is not hard, and Writing NSW will help you administer and promote it. This leaves you free to concentrate on running meetings and writing. We have a range of rooms to use, free tea and coffee, and the option to meet online via Zoom. Check out How to Start a Writing Group for more information and contact us to get started.

Use our searchable directory to find independent writing groups near you. Contact these groups directly via the provided link. If you would like your group listed on our directory click here.

We are grateful to Inner West Council for their support of our writing groups.

Writing Group Search

Youngstreet Poets

A group of experienced poets meeting to workshop and discuss members’ new poems for the month in a careful, friendly and free exchange. A guest poet is often invited to the group. Our purpose is to “keep poetry alive as a central fundamental human art, vocal but not necessarily performative. To re-enforce the value in an ancient art that emphasizes each individuals voice executed in the communal material of speech.” (Robert Pinsky extract Threepenny Review Issue 109 Spring 2007)

Closed to new members but open to visitors.

Writing NSW
members only
Closed to new members
Fourth Friday of the month
Writing NSW
Contact Writing NSW for more information

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