Writing groups are a great way to improve your writing, meet fellow writers, and get inspired to write. Many published authors credit writing groups with giving them the confidence and skills to pursue a career in writing. Writing NSW hosts a number of writing groups for different genres, communities, and levels of experience. Self-run by volunteers,  these groups generally meet at Writing NSW in Callan Park though some do meet online.

Join a Writing NSW Writers Group

These groups are only open to current members of Writing NSW. More information on each group can be found in the searchable list below.

If the group you wish to join is closed you can email us here to join a waitlist. However, we cannot guarantee when any particular group might open. You could consider starting a new group, Writing NSW can provide a high level of support to get you started. See below for more information.

Only currently open groups are listed here. You can select at most 3 groups.

Start a new Writing Group

Can’t find that perfect group that meets at the right time, writes the right genre, or has the same interests? Start your own writing group! Setting up and running a writing group is not hard, and Writing NSW will help you administer and promote it. This leaves you free to concentrate on running meetings and writing. We have a range of rooms to use, free tea and coffee, and the option to meet online via Zoom. Check out How to Start a Writing Group for more information and contact us to get started.

Use our searchable directory to find independent writing groups facilitated by organisations and individuals across the state. Contact these groups directly via the provided link. If you would like your group listed on our directory click here.

We are grateful to Inner West Council for their support of our writing groups.

Writing Group Search

A Write of Passage

A committed group of writers working towards publication. Friendly and considerate feedback is given in a fun and enjoyable atmosphere which assists in producing quality work for publication.  New members must show a commitment to the group and submit work on a regular basis. They must show respect for everyone’s work, honesty, integrity and will celebrate each other’s achievements.

Writing NSW
members only
Open to new members
Wednesdays weekly
Online via Zoom
Contact Writing NSW for more information

Allsorts Writing Group

We are a diverse and vibrant group of writers who aim to support each other to improve our writing. We meet the first Wednesday of each month, each of us submitting up to 2000 words of writing for positive and constructive critique in a workshop situation.  We are open to various genres of work and encourage supportive feedback in an encouraging atmosphere.
Writing NSW
members only
Closed to new members
First Wednesday of the month
Writing NSW
Contact Writing NSW for more information

Bello Bards

We’re poets and lovers of poetry who, since Bello Bards was founded by Marti Guy in March, 2007, have met in Bellingen on the last Friday of every month at 6:30pm, at varying venues. We are, perhaps it might be said, a ‘moveable feast’ as well as a travelling band of troubadours and their audience. We always dine together and anyone who wants to get up and have a go reading their own or someone else’s poetry, is as welcome as those who just like to listen.

Open to new members
Last Friday of the month

Blue Mountains FAW

The Blue Mountains Branch of the Fellowship of Australian Writers was established in 1973. We gather to support each other as writers. All genres of writing are explored. Writers are encouraged to publish their work

First Sunday of the month Second Sundays of the month in September and October
Springwood Sports Club
Contact Jeanette Temesvary for more information

Blue Mountains Writers

We are an established group of writers writing across diverse fiction genres and sharing the beautiful Blue Mountains. We meet monthly to provide critical and constructive feedback on each other’s work. Working in different genres gives us the ability to give feedback from different viewpoints. Members are at various stages in their writing.

Open to new members
First Monday of the month
Contact Catherine for more information

Brook & Beyond

We’re a group of writers who meet in Muswellbrook in the Upper Hunter NSW. If you like to write or want to write, you’re welcome!

Third Tuesday of the month
QE II Community Centre
Contact Leonie for more information

Canberra Speculative Fiction Guild

Monthly members’ meetings at which we discuss the business of the association and conduct informal workshops by members and guest speakers on the craft and business of creating speculative fiction. A novel writing group and critiquing groups for short stories and novels also meet regularly. The group includes writers from the Southern Highlands and the South Coast.

Third Wednesday of the month

Central West Writers’ Group

An informal group who meet for a Sunday brunch once a month in Bathurst. Group members range from novices to professionals and span all genres. They chat about writing, share tips, gripes and hopes, and nudge each other on.

Open to new members
Meetings held monthly on a Sunday

Creative Writing Group

Bring along whatever you’re working on to read for feedback. Gentle atmosphere. All welcome. $12.50 p/h for any two-hour session.

Open to new members
Tuesdays 10am-12pm and 6pm-8pm, Saturdays 2pm-4pm
Online via Zoom


We are a group of writers working on novels across a number of genres, with a focus on contemporary crime fiction.  Our writers have different levels of experience, some are starting out with their first novel and some have completed works with a view to publication. Regardless, we meet to continue to develop our writing craft and expertise; provide respectful feedback and insights in a supportive environment and have fun while we do it.

Writing NSW
members only
Open to new members
Fortnightly, Tuesdays
6:30pm - 9:00pm
Writing NSW
Contact Writing NSW for more information

Daylight Poets

The Tuesday Poets are a group that has emerged from the long-running Wednesday Night Poets. Offering weekly meetings for emerging poets to read and critique the works of others, they have wide expertise in most forms of poetry.

Writing NSW
members only
Closed to new members
Weekly, Tuesdays
12:00 - 2:00pm
Writing NSW
Contact Writing NSW for more information

Discovery Writers

Discovery Writers is a group of both writers and poets who meet in a collaborative environment to provide opportunities for development and publication of writing.

Open to new members
Last Tuesday of the month (excluding January and December)
Miles Franklin Room, Hurstville Library
Contact Margaret Owen Ruckert for more information
0401 614 159

Dorrigo Writers Group

The Dorrigo Writers’ Group meets in a local café and takes place once a fortnight for around four hours. We workshop our writings, offer feedback and challenge each other on a regular basis. Critique is constructive; we cultivate strong opinions; our debates can get loud – mostly its laughter. We don’t impose word limits, which means longer pieces can be read in full. This creates a ‘big picture’ impression of a piece and what the writer is aiming for. The critique tends to focus on character and character development, plot dynamics, the flow of language, voice, etc., rather than getting bogged down in details the writer will pick up in the next redraft anyway.

Fortnightly – contact group for specific dates

Eastwood/Hills Fellowship of Australian Writers

Eastwood/Hills FAW is a group of diverse individuals who offer encouragement and support for writers of all levels of experience, from the beginner to the published professional.

Open to new members
First Saturday of the month
Pennant Hills Community Centre
Contact Hills FAW for more information

Eurobodalla FAW

The Eurobodalla Writers (EWG) is a Branch of the Fellowship of Australian Writers. We have two groups. The day group members write something for each meeting. Either fiction, biography or poetry up to 1000 words. We read our musings to each other and, if requested, are provided with critiques.

Night group focuses on writing for works towards publication, developing stories & memoirs, group novellas, and building writing experience. If you’re not writing a story but wish to attend the night group, you can choose topics from the day group program or submit your own topic for critique by the members. This group may be the answer if you are writing a novel or wish to develop your writing skills and learn how to critique.

Open to new members
Day group: first Wednesday of the month, 10:30am-1:30pm at the Red Door Hall.
Night group: first Monday of the month, 6:30-8:30pm in a private venue.
Red Door Hall (next to Anglican Church), Page St, Moruya
Contact Eurobodalla Writers for more information

Hawkesbury Writers/Editors Group

We are a supportive group of writers meeting once a month to discuss writing elements and to help improve each other’s work by providing constructive feedback on submissions. Submissions are up to 3,000 words, and are submitted 2 weeks prior to the meeting, to be critiqued by fellow members. The critiques are then shared on the night of the meeting, along with any discussions of particular interest.
Open to new members
Second Monday of each month
Currently on Zoom, contact for more information.
Contact Shane for more information
0407 152 912

History Never Repeats

We are a monthly writing group for writers of historical fiction. The group aims to provide a quiet space for writing with time set aside to share work, provide constructive feedback, share tips and discuss the trials and tribulations of writing about the past. We aim to motivate through regular meetings and a buddy system of accountability to keep you going in between. You are welcome whether you love history and want to get into fiction or love fiction and want to get into history – or both! Ideally you have a manuscript well on the way, are actively working towards writing a novel or, at least, have a solid idea and plot line. Open to all levels, our principles are mutual respect, encouragement and honest critique. Meetings occur the last Monday of the month.
Writing NSW
members only
Open to new members
Last Monday of the month
10:00am - 1:00pm
Writing NSW

Infinitas Writers’ Group for Speculative Fiction

Infinitas Writers’ Group for Speculative Fiction meet on the fourth Sunday of the month, 12:00-3:00pm, at the Shakespeare Hotel in Surry Hills.

Fourth Sunday of the month

Ink Black

A group formed from the 2025 Writing Group Information Day. We support each other in developing and pursuing ideas for non-fiction writing. We have members at various levels of their writing practice and love the chance to continue to learn from each other.

Writing NSW
members only
Closed to new members
1st Saturday of the Month
2:30pm - 4:30pm
Writing NSW
Contact Writing NSW for more information

Kiama U3A Writing Group

This writing group is part of Kiama U3A (University of the Third Age) which is a worldwide network providing continued learning for people over the age of 50, in a supportive and non-judgemental environment. We meet on Fridays at 10.30 am until noon, from week 2 to week 9 of each school term (8 sessions), at North Kiama Neighbourhood Centre, 28A Meehan Drive, Kiama Downs 2533.

Open to new members
Fridays from Week 2 to Week 9 of school terms
North Kiama Neighbourhood Centre
Patricia on 0425 233 169

Lake Macquarie FAW

We are a group of aspirational writers who meet to develop our skills through sharing ideas and skills.

Second Saturday of the month
Toronto Public Library Meeting Room
Contact Lake Macquarie FAW for more information

Lambing Flat (Young) FAW

Lambing Flat Fellowship of Australian Writers meet in Young on the second Monday of the month from 5:30pm. No meetings in January or December.

Second Monday of the month
Young Services Club, Cloete Street, Young
Contact Lambing Flat FAW for more information

Memoir Writing

A supportive and mutually-encouraging group of intermediate level writers who are working on a memoir or life stories that they would like to bring to a publishable standard. We hope to also cover how to write a submission to a publisher, research publishers, editors, literary agents, etc. Our group purpose is to sensitively critique each other’s work with pieces sent via email in advance of the meeting, ensure a safe space for writers through confidentiality, and foster a respectful and supportive group process.

Writing NSW
members only
Open to new members
Fridays fortnightly
Writing NSW
Contact Writing NSW for more information

Monday Night Children’s Writers

A dynamic and supportive group of published and aspiring writers of all genres in the kids’ lit spectrum. We provide a safe space for constructive critiquing, share tips, strategies, information and resources re writing and publishing. We celebrate group members’ successes and provide support against setbacks. Our group purpose is to provide a supportive, productive and constructive environment for writers to develop their work towards the goal of publication and to enhance and guide each other’s understanding and skills in the craft of writing.

Writing NSW
members only
Closed to new members
Monday Fortnightly
Hybrid: In-person at Writing NSW and Online
Contact Writing NSW for more information

Moonlighters Writers

Join us for a virtual gathering of aspiring writers, where we share our stories, provide feedback, and support each other’s creative endeavours. Whether you’re a seasoned writer or just starting out, this event is a great opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals from the comfort of your own home. So grab your favourite beverage, cozy up in your favourite spot, and let’s dive into the world of writing together. We can’t wait to see what stories you have to share!

Open to new members
Mondays fortnightly
Online via Zoom
Contact Olivia Moon for more information

Mudgee Valley FAW

We are a branch of the Fellowship of Australian Writers. We precede our monthly meeting with an informal lunch and chat. Hold our meeting in accordance with FAW standards. Follow our meeting with readings of member’s stories or poems, which follow a preset choice of two monthly themes. Always welcome new members, whether experienced writers or not.

Open to new members
First Monday of the month
Club Mudgee
Contact Mudgee Valley FAW for more information

Neenish Tarts

A long standing group providing feedback and support for our writing. We love the creative process and try to keep that energy in our writing.

Writing NSW
members only
Closed to new members
Second Friday of the month
Writing NSW
Contact Writing NSW for more information

NEW Writers’ Group Inc

We welcome diverse styles and a range of genre. We support each other through open mic, workshops and guest tutorials. We publish prose, poetry and images in our Pop-Up Zines, the digital anthology Expression, and in ZineWest, a print anthology and competition for aspiring Western Sydney writers and local artists. A $5 attendance fee applies for non-financial members. In 2024 our meeting venue is WestWords, 41 Hunter Street Parramatta, on Saturday afternoons. Please see dates and times at: https://nwg-inc.com/word/about/  and information on other events.

Open to new members
One gathering per month Feb-Nov, 3-5pm on Saturdays
WestWords, 41 Hunter Street, Parramatta
Contact NEW Writers' Group Inc for more information

No Boundaries

Whatever genre we write in, we can learn from stepping outside our safe zone. If you think that a fantasy writer can learn from a historical fiction author, or a long form journalist has something to offer a romance novelist, this might be your group. No Boundaries is open to writers of fiction and creative nonfiction who are looking for an environment where constructive criticism is exchanged with good heart, occasional humour and a willingness to be surprised.

While some writing experience is preferred, highly motivated beginners may be accepted. It is assumed that members are aiming for publication in some form, whether that be traditional book publishing, blogging, magazine articles, self-publishing, Substack, Medium, or any of the myriad ways we get our work to the outside world.

Writing NSW
members only
Closed to new members
2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month
10:00am - 1:00pm
Writing NSW
Contact Writing NSW for more information

Oatley Writers Group

We share our support and knowledge. We occasionally have published authors to speak with us, and writing ‘workshops’. We are a growing group from all walks of life and skill levels who share an interest in improving our writing. We welcome anyone from the community who wants to write. Your first two visits are complimentary.

Open to new members
First Wednesday of the month
Oatley RSL, 23 Letitia Street, Oatley
Contact The Secretary for more information

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